Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wish You Were Here

June 2009

Today I feel kinda blue
Like some of the color washed outta my world
Sitting here alone
Don’t wanna call anybody
But wish somebody would call me

Saving the planet gets old
Sometimes I get tired of being Superwoman
And I just wanna be me
To allow myself to feel small and protected
Wrapped in your arms
That’s when I wish you were here

All week long
This independent woman works hard
To hold it down
Wouldn’t have it any other way
Yet sometimes I lay in my bed at night
Too hot and bothered to sleep
That’s when I wish you were here

Though I treasure my alone time
Sometimes I feel like I need a friend
To listen to me
To laugh with
To watch a movie with me on the couch
Or just listen to music and say nothing
That’s when I wish you were here

When I feel less than special
That’s when I wish you were here
To look at me adoringly
And tell me I’m beautiful, sexy and intelligent
To laugh at my jokes
And compliment me on little things
That nobody else seems to notice about me

Most of the time
I’m quite happy being with just me
Don’t want any more relationship drama
That’s for sure
But occasionally
I feel the need to be somebody’s star
Somebody’s baby
Somebody’s world
That’s when I wish you were here

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