Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wish List (Or what I want in a man)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Current mood: calm
Category: Writing and Poetry
Guess I'll be shallow and start with the physical.
Let's see...
African American
(I hate that term)
And basic good looks
I'm not into pretty boys
He can be any height
Except shorter than me
Of solid, medium build
Meaning not skinny and not fat
Muscular definition here and there is good
A bulky, gym rat body is not!
When it comes to looks
I can make a few allowances
For what I consider to be minor flaws
Particularly if I love a man
Personality flaws are another matter altogether!
He's got to
Got to
Got to be liberal and open-minded in his thinking
And compassionate and non-judgmental in his heart
He MUST be ambitious and well-educated
To be well-educated does not always mean
That one must have a degree
And he's got to believe in God
Not Allah or Buddah or Krishna
Or anyone else but God
He's got to love animals (especially cats)
And children
And be both a gentleman and a gentle man
He must be expressive and affectionate
And enjoy spending long days together
Simply for the pleasure of each others company
He must be playful
And love to laugh
And not be offended
By my sick and often un-"pc" sense of humor
I love a man who is musically talented like me
Though this is not a requirement
He must love his mother!
He must be ready to fall in love and settle down
He must prove that he is into ME
And not just what is between my legs
By respecting my boundaries
And being willing to get to know me well
Before taking things to the next level
Because until he looks me in my eyes
And tells me he loves me
And I know it's the truth...
It ain't happening!
If this sounds like a tall order by a picky woman
It is
And I am
I enjoy making a man feel thoroughly loved and wanted
And I expect the same in return
Maybe one day, if God blesses me
I will find the man I'm looking for....

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