Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why Do People.........?

Why do people

Waiting in a crowd

Just have to push the button

On the elevator or at the crosswalk

On the off chance that nobody already thought of it?

Why do they sit on trains

And go out of their way

To look out the window

Or stare at the floor

Or read a book

Rather than to make eye contact

With the person directly across from them?

Why do they emerge from public restrooms

And give the person waiting in the hall

This tight, uncomfortable grin?

Why do they glare at people

Whose children are screaming in public

And stare at you like you're psycho

For talking on your cell phone headset

But then do disgusting shit

Like pick their noses in traffic

Or fart in grocery store aisles

And pretend it wasn't them?

Man, people are weird!

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