Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bonding in Water

Sunday, September 06, 2009

My son

When you were very small

You lived inside me

Just as I once lived inside my mother

In water

When my belly grew large

From carrying you

I often found comfort

In water

A hot bath

For relaxation

For pain relief

Or just because

For as long as I can remember

I have loved and found solace in water



The ocean



I find the sound of water

Bubbling over stones

As pleasant as a baby’s laugh

Now you

My little boy

You share the same love as I

Your face lights up

When I suggest a shower

Or a swim at the local pool

We take long, long baths

Sighing in pleasure

As our bodies first slide into the warm water

We sing


And play with toys

Sometimes we just sit and smile at each other

And of course we laugh

I am happy that you enjoy water so

I am happy

Just being with you

Perhaps one day you will bathe with your own son

And you will think of me

Now an old woman

And you will remember

How we once bonded in water

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