Thursday, December 31, 2009

Parental Love

April 2009
I used to wonder what it felt like
Was it like this great, passionate thing
That swept over a mother or father
The moment they first laid eyes on their newborn child?
Or was it something that grew over time
As you got to know your child?
Was it neither of these experiences?
Or did it vary from one person to the next?
Did fathers experience parental love differently than did mothers?
I can only speak for myself
For me, it's like being in love
Only without the passionate adult feelings
It's feeling that another person completes you
Missing them when you're away
Wondering what they're doing
Smiling at the thought of them
Gazing at their picture with a happy sigh
Wanting the world to know about this amazing person in your life
Secretly knowing
That nobody else' kid is as cute, funny or talented
Lighting up in your little one's presence
Feeling soft little arms around your neck
And fine, sweet-smelling baby hair tickling your nose
And knowing you're home

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