Thursday, December 31, 2009

For You

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

If you were sick and miserable

I would stay up and wait on you all night

Even though I had to be up for work at 5:30am.

For you.

I would turn off a really good made-for-tv movie

That I had been waiting weeks to see

That I knew wouldn't be on again for a long time

For you.

I would let you eat most of my favorite food

That I had bought from an expensive deli across town

Even though you had already eaten

And you didn't really find my dish all that interesting.

But you still wanted to eat it

Only for you.

I would put off anyone

Cancel anything

Short of a date with Jesus

For you

If you were a horrible, rude tyrant

And nobody liked you because of it.

If you became a thief, a drug addict

A murderer

Still I would have mad, loyal, crazy deep love

For you

If you were morbidly obese

Severely retarded

Or terribly disfigured

And everyone thought you were disgusting

I would think you were beautiful

And I would thoroughly cuss out

Anyone who tried to argue with me

For you.

I would give my life for you

In a heart beat.

Move to another country

If it meant you would be much safer

Or have far greater opportunities.

I would accept ridicule

Work two jobs.

Go without love

Or sleep

Or luxuries like a decent stereo

A new car

Or the latest fashionable clothing.

All for you.


Because you're worth it

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