Thursday, December 31, 2009

The First Good Day

I took a walk in my neighborhood

The other day

It was the first good day

In awhile

No rain

No clouds or harsh wind

Just sunshine

With a clear blue sky

And a slight, comfortable breeze

To take the edge off the warm temperature

Kids were out playing on the lawns

Or riding their bikes

Women stood on the sidewalks talking leisurely

Men sat around barbecue grills sipping beer

Everybody was in summer attire

And nobody was trippin' off anybody else

There were no arguments

No attitudes

No gunshots or sirens in the distance

No D boys lurking nervously on the corner

No drama

It was the first good day in awhile

One thing I've noticed

Is that the first day the sun comes back

After many grey, gloomy days

It's like the whole neighborhood calls a truce

There is peace and happiness and music playing

And good food smells in the air

As everybody comes out to play in the sun

It may only last for a day or two

Before the drama resumes again

Guess some people can only stand so much

Of a good thing

Maybe the sun starts getting to them

Makes them irritable

When temperatures rise too high for too long

People start acting foolish

But on that particular day I went walking

It was all good

In my neighborhood

It was the first good day in awhile

And it was beautiful

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