Thursday, December 31, 2009

God's Greatest Gift

Thursday, April 02, 2009
Being a single mother
Means doing what you have to do to survive
It often means being mommy and daddy
Doing everything on your own
Climbing flights of stairs
Carrying baby and bags of groceries
Dealing with discipline and temper tantrums
Potty training
Late night bottles and diaper changes
Working, going to school
Living on coffee
Hustling, hustling, hustling
Paying bills
Getting the car repaired
Studying, working, mothering
Sleeping, if there's time
Standing in long lines
And jumping through hoops
Applying for this that and the other
Cuz you don't receive child support
And every little bit helps
In and out of court
With baby daddy drama
(Where in the world
Does a man get off
Leaving a mother to do all the work
Yet still demanding his "rights"?)
Constantly making do
Working with what you got
Trying to turn a dime into a dollar
All this
And still finding the time
To nurture your child
Play with him
Make him feel valued and loved
All this
Yet you never wonder
Why you ever had a child
Cuz one smile
Is like the brightest sun
After the worst storm
And no hug ever felt as good
"Take this gift", God said
"The greatest I have given you
Besides salvation.
Take this child and mold him into someone great."
And I replied
"Yes Lord, I will."

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