Thursday, December 31, 2009

LOVE AIN'T SHIT! (Lemme tell you why...)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Cuz some guys lie to women about their intentions toward them.

They say they want a relationship when they just want sex,

Or they say they just want sex when they really want a relationship.

They say they're not tired of you when they are,

And claim there's nobody else when there is.

I'm not a clingy female who's desperate for a man.

I don't pursue a man hard or call him when he isn't calling back.

In fact, this last guy I dated for a year had to chase me for a month

Just to get a date!

So why is it so hard to be honest

When I say that if you aren't feeling me anymore to just let me go?

Let me go, for Chrissakes!

You never call me anymore.

We hardly see each other. (Which would rule out it being a sex thing.)

Yet you're steadily trying to convince me that it's still all good.

What the fuck!

Why are you wasting my time?

And ya gotta love the "players" who forgot how to play

The ones who can't even tell a decent lie

Who make themselves look even more stupid than they already are.

Am I bitter?


Know why?

Cuz I was misled by someone who misrepresented himself

And lied about his intentions.

I fell in love with a facade of a man.

True, it's partly my fault for allowing myself to be taken in.

Still I'm fuckin' pissed

Cuz I opened my heart

Gave my love

Extended my trust

And it was all a waste of time.

A year of my life, down the drain.

So thanks for nothin'!

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