Thursday, December 31, 2009


June 2006
I am tired


My breasts are super swollen

And sore

They feel like over-ripe watermelons

On an August day

I'm hungry

Yet nothing satisfies me

Every time I eat

My stomach growls angrily

Three hours later

I really don't want to eat too much

But I am controlled by my hunger

Which really pisses me off

I'm emotional



I am easily hurt

And cry often

Sometimes for no apparent reason

It makes me feel crazy

This is NOT me

Except it is me

For one week out of every month

This sucks!

I hate that I have to go through this every month

AND that my PMS symptoms last longer

Than any other female I know

Sometimes up to ten days

Ten days!

Ten days of sore breasts



Slight paranoia

And feeling like every little thing

Is a big deal

I console myself by telling myself

That it will go away

Still, it's not fair!

Why did God do this to us?

Because Eve tasted something good

And offered some to her man?

Well hello!

She was only doing what came natural

As Adam's helper

She was supposed to have his back

But when she did, she was punished for it

Ain't that some shit!?

'Scuse me if I'm just a little pissed off

Men have done alot of up fucked up shit throughout history

So how come God said they could boss us?

Boss this!

I may get myself into trouble saying this

But why couldn't God have been more fair?

Why can't men have PMS and women have periods?

Why can't women carry babies and men give birth to them?

Actually, I'm not sure how this would happen

But God is all-powerful

He can work it out

I mean, it's 2006

Can we get some equality here before Jesus comes back?


No, but seriously....

Men need to know that this PMS shit is real

And some women need to quit blaming everything on PMS

Or claiming they have PMS when they don't

Cuz that just perpetuates the myth

That every time a woman is being a bitch

It's because she is PMSing

I, for one, am NOT a bitch when I'm PMSing

Although (and this may come as a shock..)

I'm quite capable of being one at other times

Men, if your woman is PMSin', be nice to her

Treat her gently

Don't make fun of her condition

Or say anything about her body

And whatever you do

Don't do anything to make her cry!

Cuddle with her

Make love to her if she wants it

(Some reeeally do!)

Be understanding if she doesn't

With that said, I'm gonna eat a quesadilla

And go to bed!

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