Thursday, December 31, 2009

Custody Battle

Monday, October 20, 2008

How can two people

Fight over another human being?

Like two dogs fighting over a bone

Or more appropriately,

Two children fighting over a toy

Except that our son is not a toy....

We've come a long way

From the days when couples married and stayed together

Come hell or high water

When "til death do us part" actually meant something

We both always considered ourselves to be family people

Swore to hang in no matter what issues came our way

For our child's sake

Because he deserves two parents....

But then the fighting got worse and worse

Until we were shouting at each other nearly everyday

And as a friend of mine recently put it,

"It's better for your child be with each of you separately

than to be in an environment where you are constantly

at each other's throats."

I knew he was right.

My ex and I are two totally different people

With one thing in common

An amazing little boy whom we both love like crazy.

Now we have split our household

And live on opposite sides of the Bay

The adjustment from two incomes to one is rough

Not to mention the separation thing

I feel angry about stuff that went on in the relationship

Sad that it didn't work out

Stressed about money and court stuff

And bound and determined to get everything I want from the judge.

I imagine my child's father feels the same

We will both be glad when all the legal stuff is over

After that, our main concern will be

Raising a well-balanced kid in a less-than-ideal situation

It may be a challenge

But I believe it can be done

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