Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Dream Man

March 2006

I fell in love with my dream man

He was tall



Handsome and strong

Well educated

Sensitive (The type to cry at movies)


And loved his mother


The things that man did to my body

It was like each and every one of his parts

Knew each and every one of my parts

To the bone

To the very molecule

Yup, I fell in love with my dream man

But then my dream turned out to be a nightmare

In addition to all the wonderful things he was

There were a whole lot of things he wasn't...

Like faithful


And honest

That's right

My "dream man" was a fake

A player

A liar

So ladies, be careful who you give your love to

Before you open your hearts and your legs

To the man of your dreams

Make sure he's for real

Or you may wake up with a broken heart...

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