Thursday, December 31, 2009

For Suki... (July 7th, 1992-January 16th, 2006)

July 2006

Your eyes
Clear and blue
Like tropical waters
The light in them
Brighter than a mid-day sun
Those eyes have seen so much
They've seen me at my very best
And my absolute worst
They've seen me laugh
Watched me cry
And they have never looked upon me
With judgment or disapproval
It is through those eyes
That you tell me
When you are sad
Needing attention
Or feeling concern for me
It is through those eyes
That you tell me you love me
Those eyes tell me so much
Whatever will I do without them?
Oh, I suppose some day
There will be another set
Of newer, younger feline eyes
To look into...
But they won't be yours
I hate to think of it
So instead I'll look into your eyes some more
And memorize their beauty
So I will never forget

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