Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reasons to Treat Me Like a Queen

Like you need a reason?


You should already know I'm a queeen

It's in the way I speak and move

In the shape of my body

BlatantlyWoman and real

It's in my style

My passionate creativity

My keen, off-the wall wit

My amazing ability

To keep on keepin' on

Despite being saddled with an ever-growing burden of obligations

Because I always see the light at the end of the tunnel

And as long as I can laugh, I'll be alright

My royalness is apparent

In the patience and grace I possess

When dealing with people or situations

That others would walk (or run) away from

It is shown by my heart

Which continues to grow

Despite the numerous injuries it has endured

Am I loyal?

You know this!

Can I make you feel like a king?

Baby, if you treat me the way you're supposed to

There's isn't much I wouldn't do for you

I'll be your best friend

Your freakiest lover

Your biggest supporter

All I ask is that you love me like you mean it

Like you can't believe how blessed you are

To have a woman so fine

So intelligent

So talented and strong

And courageous

That's why you should treat me like a queen!

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