Thursday, December 31, 2009

Comfort Food

(written to my best friend in 2005)

I love you

Like I love my favorite old sitcoms

I love you

Like I love laying on my bed naked

After a shower

With the fan blowing on me

On a hot day

I love you

Like I love Skittles

And my stuffed green frog named Arnold

And my plaid mens boxers

Coupled with my black cotton-lycra tank top

The one that supports my boobs real well

But is also very comfortable

And that’s what I am with you


I love that we are such good friends

That we have to talk to each other every day

Just so we know what each other is doing

I love that we know each other

Well enough to predict what each other is thinking

And that we aren’t shy to tell each other

Anything and everything

We even talk to each other over the phone

While on the toilet

And aren’t ashamed to admit it!

Yup, that’s comfort alright

I love that you like talking as much as I do

And that you’re an awesome listener

And that you’re open and honest

Even when being honest exposes your faults

And those of others

You always keep it real

I love how playful and young-hearted you are

Like being 37 ain’t no thang

I love and respect the way you love your sons

So fiercely

I love knowing you well enough

To sometimes be able to laugh

At how predictably you you are

I simply love knowing you…

You are like comfort food

Well-worn Levis

A good book on a rainy day

Coffee in the morning

You set my mind at ease

And let me feel free to be me

That’s why I love you

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